
Generate module

Methods that generate or adjusted energy related timeseries based on given assumptions/input

enlopy.generate.disag_upsample(Load, disag_profile, to_offset='h')[source]

Upsample given timeseries, disaggregating based on given load profiles. e.g. From daily to hourly. The load of each day is distributed according to the disaggregation profile. The sum of each day remains the same.

  • Load (pd.Series) – Load profile to disaggregate
  • disag_profile (pd.Series, np.ndarray) – disaggregation profile to be used on each timestep of the load. Has to be compatible with selected offset.
  • to_offset (str) – Resolution of upsampling. has to be a valid pandas offset alias. (check here for all available offsets)

the upsampled timeseries

Return type:



Generate stochastic dummy daily load based on hardcoded values. These values are the result of statistical analysis of electric loads profiles of more than 100 households. Mean and standard deviations per timestep were extracted from the normalized series. These are fed to gen_gauss_markov() method. :param total_energy: Sum of produced timeseries (daily load)

Returns:random realization of timeseries
Return type:nd.array
enlopy.generate.gen_load_from_daily_monthly(ML, DWL, DNWL, weight=0.5, year=2015)[source]

Generate annual timeseries using monthly demand and daily profiles. Working days and weekends are built from different profiles having different weighting factors.

  • ML – monthly load (size = 12)
  • DWL – daily load (working day) (size = 24). Have to be normalized (sum=1)
  • DNWL – daily load (non working day) (size = 24) Have to be normalized (sum=1)
  • weight – weighting factor between working and non working day (0 - 1)

Generated timeseries

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_load_sinus(daily_1, daily_2, monthly_1, monthly_2, annually_1, annually_2)[source]

Generate sinusoidal load with daily, weekly and yearly seasonality. Each term is estimated based on the following expression: \(f(x;A1,A2,w) = A1 \cos(2 \pi/w \cdot x) + A2 \sin(2 \pi/w \cdot x)\)

  • daily_1 (float) – cosine coefficient for daily component (period 24)
  • daily_2 (float) – sinus coefficient for daily component (period 24)
  • monthly_1 (float) – cosine coefficient for monthly component (period 168)
  • monthly_2 (float) – sinus coefficient for monthly component (period 168)
  • annually_1 (float) – cosine coefficient for annual component (period 8760)
  • annually_2 (float) – sinus coefficient for annual component (period 8760)

Generated timeseries

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_load_from_LDC(LDC, Y=None, N=8760)[source]

Generate loads based on a Inverse CDF, such as a Load Duration Curve (LDC) Inverse transform sampling: Compute the value x such that F(x) = u. Take x to be the random number drawn from the distribution described by F.


Due to the sampling process this function produces load profiles with unrealistic temporal sequence, which means that they cannot be treated as timeseries. It is recommended that gen_load_from_PSD() is used afterwards.

  • LDC (np.ndarray) – Load duration curve (2 x N) vector of the x, y coordinates of an LDC function (results of (get_LDC). x coordinates have to be normalized (max: 1 => 8760hrs )
  • Y (nd.array) – a vector of random numbers. To be used for correlated loads. If None is supplied a random vector (8760) will be created.
  • N (int) – Length of produced timeseries (if Y is not provided)

vector with the same size as Y that respects the statistical distribution of the LDC

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_load_from_PSD(Sxx, x, dt=1)[source]

Algorithm for generating samples of a random process conforming to spectral density Sxx(w) and probability density function p(x).


This is done by an iterative process which ‘shuffles’ the timeseries till convergence of both power spectrum and marginal distribution is reached. Also known as “Iterated Amplitude Adjusted Fourier Transform (IAAFT). Adopted from J.M. Nichols, C.C. Olson, J.V. Michalowicz, F. Bucholtz, (2010), “A simple algorithm for generating spectrally colored, non-Gaussian signals” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol 25, 315-322 and Schreiber, T. and Schmitz, A. (1996) “Improved Surrogate Data for Nonlinearity Tests”, Physical Review Letters, Vol 77, 635-638.

  • Sxx – Spectral density (two sided)
  • x – Sequence of observations created by the desirable PDF. You can use gen_load_from_LDC() for that.
  • dt – Desired temporal sampling interval. [Dt = 2pi / (N * Dw)]

The spectrally corrected timeseries

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_gauss_markov(mu, st, r)[source]

Generate timeseries based on means, stadnard deviation and autocorrelation per timestep


Based on A.M. Breipohl, F.N. Lee, D. Zhai, R. Adapa, A Gauss-Markov load model for the application in risk evaluation and production simulation, Transactions on Power Systems, 7 (4) (1992), pp. 1493-1499

  • mu – array of means. Can be either 1d or 2d
  • st – array of standard deviations. Can be either 1d or 2d. Can be either scalar (same for entire timeseries or array with the same length as the timeseries
  • r – Autoregressive coefficient AR(1). Has to be between [-1,1]. Can be either scalar (same for entire timeseries or array with the same length as the timeseries

a realization of the timeseries

Return type:

pd.Series, pd.DataFrame

enlopy.generate.remove_outliers(Load, **kwargs)[source]

Removes outliers identified by detect_outliers() and replaces them by interpolated value.

  • Load – input timeseries
  • **kwargs – Exposes keyword arguments of detect_outliers()

Timeseries cleaned from outliers

enlopy.generate.gen_demand_response(Load, percent_peak_hrs_month=0.03, percent_shifted=0.05, shave=False)[source]

Simulate a demand response mechanism that makes the load profile less peaky. The load profile is analyzed per selected period (currently month) and the peak hours have their load shifted to low load hours or shaved. When not shaved the total load is the same as that one from the initial timeseries, otherwise it is smaller due to the shaved peaks. The peak load is reduced by a predefined percentage.

  • Load (pd.Series) – Load
  • percent_peak_hrs_month (float) – fraction of hours to be shifted
  • percent_shifted (float) – fraction of energy to be shifted if the day is tagged for shifting/shaving
  • shave (bool) – If False peak load will be transfered to low load hours, otherwise it will be shaved.

New load profile with reduced peaks. The peak can be shifted to low load hours or shaved

Return type:


enlopy.generate.add_noise(Load, mode, st, r=0.9, Lmin=0)[source]

Add noise with given characteristics.

  • Load (pd.Series,pd.DataFrame) – 1d or 2d timeseries
  • mode (int) – 1 Normal Distribution, 2: Uniform Distribution, 3: Gauss Markov (autoregressive gaussian)
  • st (float) – Noise parameter. Scaling of random values
  • r (float) – Applies only for mode 3. Autoregressive coefficient AR(1). Has to be between [-1,1]
  • Lmin (float) – minimum load values. This is used to trunc values below zero if they are generated with a lot of noise

Load with noise

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_corr_arrays(Na, length, M, to_uniform=True)[source]

Generating correlated normal variates. Assume one wants to create a vector of random variates Z which is distributed according to Z~N(μ,Σ) where μ is the vector of means, and Σ is the variance-covariance matrix.

  • Na (int) – number of vectors e.g (3)
  • length (int) – generated vector size (e.g 8760)
  • M (np.ndarray) – correlation matrix. Should be of size Na x Na
  • to_uniform (bool) – True if the correlation matrix needs to be adjusted for uniforms

Realization of randomly generated correlated variables. Size : (Na, length) e.g. (3, 8760)

Return type:


enlopy.generate.gen_analytical_LDC(U, duration=8760, bins=1000)[source]

Generates the Load Duration Curve based on empirical parameters. The following equation is used. \(f(x;P,CF,BF) = \\frac{P-x}{P-BF \\cdot P}^{\\frac{CF-1}{BF-CF}}\)

Parameters:U (tuple) – parameter vector [Peak load, capacity factor%, base load%, hours] or dict
Returns:a 2D array [x, y] ready for plotting (e.g. plt(*gen_analytical_LDC(U)))
Return type:np.ndarray

Analysis module

enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries(Load, x='dayofyear', y=None, aggfunc='sum')[source]

Returns a reshaped pandas DataFrame that shows the aggregated load for selected timeslices. e.g. time of day vs day of year

  • Load (pd.Series, np.ndarray) – timeseries
  • x (str) – x axis aggregator. Has to be an accessor of pd.DatetimeIndex (year, dayoftime, week etc.)
  • y (str) – similar to above for y axis

reshaped pandas dataframe according to x,y

enlopy.analysis.get_LDC(Load, x_norm=True, y_norm=False)[source]

Generates the Load Duration Curve based on a given load. For 2-dimensional dataframes the x-axis sorting is done based on sum of all series. Sorting on the y-axis is done based on the coefficient of variance.

  • Load (pd.Series) – timeseries
  • x_norm (bool) – Normalize x axis (0,1)
  • y_norm (bool) – Normalize y axis (0,1)

tuple (x, y) ready for plotting (e.g. plt(*LDC_load(load)))

Return type:


enlopy.analysis.get_load_archetypes(Load, k=2, x='hour', y='dayofyear', plot_diagnostics=False)[source]

Extract typical load profiles using k-means and vector quantization. the time scale of archetypes depend on the selected dimensions (x,y). For the default values daily archetypes will be extracted.

  • Load (pd.Series) – timeseries
  • k (int) – number of archetypes to identify and extract
  • x (str) – This will define how the timeseries will be grouped by. Has to be an accessor of pd.DatetimeIndex
  • y (str) – similar to above for y axis.
  • plot_diagnostics (bool) – If true a figure is plotted showing an overview of the results

dimensions (k, len(x))

Return type:


enlopy.analysis.get_load_stats(Load, per='a')[source]

Find load profile characteristics. Among other it estimates: peak, load factor, base load factor, operating hours,

  • Load – timeseries of load to be examined. A timeseries index is needed.
  • per – reporting periods. Annual by default. Based on pandas time offsets

Parameter dictionary

Return type:


enlopy.analysis.detect_outliers(Load, threshold=None, window=5, plot_diagnostics=False)[source]

Detect and optionally remove outliers based on median rolling window filtering. Inspired by

  • Load – input timeseries
  • threshold – if None then 3 sigma is selected as threshold
  • window – how many values to check
  • plot_diagnostics – Plot diagnostics to check whether the outliers were removed accurately

index position of detected outliers

Plotting module

enlopy.plot.plot_heatmap(Load, x='dayofyear', y='hour', aggfunc='sum', bins=8, figsize=(16, 6), edgecolors='none', cmap='Oranges', colorbar=True, ax=None, **pltargs)[source]

Returns a 2D heatmap of the reshaped timeseries based on x, y

  • Load – 1D pandas with timed index
  • x – Parameter for enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries()
  • y – Parameter for enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries()
  • bins – Number of bins for colormap
  • edgecolors – colour of edges around individual squares. ‘none’ or ‘w’ is recommended.
  • cmap – colormap name (from colorbrewer, matplotlib etc.)
  • **pltargs – Exposes matplotlib.plot arguments

2d heatmap

enlopy.plot.plot_3d(Load, x='dayofyear', y='hour', aggfunc='sum', bins=15, cmap='Oranges', colorbar=True, **pltargs)[source]

Returns a 3D plot of the reshaped timeseries based on x, y


3d plot

enlopy.plot.plot_percentiles(Load, x='hour', zz='week', perc_list=[[5, 95], [25, 75], 50], ax=None, color='blue', **kwargs)[source]

Plot predefined percentiles per timestep

  • Load – 1D pandas with timed index
  • x (str) – x axis aggregator. See enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries()
  • zz (str) – similar to above for y axis
  • perc_list (list) – List of percentiles to plot. If it is an integer then it will be plotted as a line. If it is list it has to contain two items and it will be plotted using fill_between()
  • **kwargs – exposes arguments of matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between()


enlopy.plot.plot_rug(df_series, on_off=False, cmap='Greys', fig_title='', fig_width=14, normalized=False)[source]

Create multiaxis rug plot from pandas Dataframe

  • df_series (pd.DataFrame) – 2D pandas with timed index
  • on_off (bool) – if True all points that are above 0 will be plotted as one color. If False all values will be colored based on their value.
  • cmap (str) – colormap name (from colorbrewer, matplotlib etc.)
  • fig_title (str) – Figure title
  • normalized (bool) – if True, all series colormaps will be normalized based on the maximum value of the dataframe


enlopy.plot.plot_boxplot(Load, by='day', **pltargs)[source]

Return boxplot plot for each day of the week

  • Load (pd.Series) – 1D pandas Series with timed index
  • by (str) – group results by ‘day’ or ‘hour’
  • **pltargs (dict) – Exposes matplotlib.pyplot.plot() arguments


enlopy.plot.plot_LDC(Load, stacked=True, x_norm=True, y_norm=False, cmap='Spectral', color='black', legend=False, zoom_peak=False, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot Load duration curve

  • Load (pd.Series) – 1D pandas Series with timed index
  • x_norm (bool) – Normalize x axis (0,1)
  • y_norm (bool) – Normalize y axis (0,1)
  • color (str) – color of line. For Series only (1D)
  • cmap (str) – Colormap of area. For Dataframes only (2D)
  • legend (bool) – Show legend. For Dataframes only (2D)
  • zoom_peak (bool) – Show zoomed plot of peak
  • kwargs (dict) – exposes arguments of pd.DataFrame.plot.area

Load duration curve plot

Utilities module

enlopy.utils.make_timeseries(x=None, year=None, length=None, startdate=None, freq=None)[source]

Convert numpy array to a pandas series with a timed index. Convenience wrapper around a datetime-indexed pd.DataFrame.

  • x – (nd.array) raw data to wrap into a pd.Series
  • startdate – pd.datetime
  • year – year of timeseries
  • freq – offset keyword (e.g. 15min, H)
  • length – length of timeseries

pd.Series or pd.Dataframe with datetimeindex

enlopy.utils.clean_convert(x, force_timed_index=True, always_df=False, **kwargs)[source]

Converts a list, a numpy array, or a dataframe to pandas series or dataframe, depending on the compatibility and the requirements. Designed for maximum compatibility.

  • x (list, np.ndarray) – Vector or matrix of numbers. it can be pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray or list
  • force_timed_index (bool) – if True it will return a timeseries index
  • year (int) – Year that will be used for the index
  • always_df (bool) – always return a dataframe even if the data is one dimensional
  • **kwargs – Exposes arguments of make_timeseries()


Return type:
