Source code for enlopy.plot

from __future__ import division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

from .analysis import reshape_timeseries, clean_convert, get_LDC

__all__ = ['plot_heatmap', 'plot_3d', 'plot_percentiles', 'plot_rug', 'plot_boxplot', 'plot_LDC' ]

[docs]def plot_heatmap(Load, x='dayofyear', y='hour', aggfunc='sum', bins=8, figsize=(16,6), edgecolors='none', cmap='Oranges', colorbar=True, ax=None, **pltargs): """ Returns a 2D heatmap of the reshaped timeseries based on x, y Arguments: Load: 1D pandas with timed index x: Parameter for :meth:`enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries` y: Parameter for :meth:`enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries` bins: Number of bins for colormap edgecolors: colour of edges around individual squares. 'none' or 'w' is recommended. cmap: colormap name (from colorbrewer, matplotlib etc.) **pltargs: Exposes matplotlib.plot arguments Returns: 2d heatmap """ x_y = reshape_timeseries(Load, x=x, y=y, aggfunc=aggfunc) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) cmap_obj = cm.get_cmap(cmap, bins) heatmap = ax.pcolor(x_y, cmap=cmap_obj, edgecolors=edgecolors, **pltargs) if colorbar: fig.colorbar(heatmap) ax.set_xlim(right=len(x_y.columns)) ax.set_ylim(top=len(x_y.index)) ax.set_xlabel(x) ax.set_ylabel(y)
[docs]def plot_3d(Load, x='dayofyear', y='hour', aggfunc='sum', bins=15, cmap='Oranges', colorbar=True, **pltargs): """ Returns a 3D plot of the reshaped timeseries based on x, y Arguments: Load: 1D pandas with timed index x: Parameter for :meth:`enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries` y: Parameter for :meth:`enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries` bins: Number of bins for colormap cmap: colormap name (from colorbrewer, matplotlib etc.) **pltargs: Exposes :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.surface` arguments Returns: 3d plot """ import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d # necessary for orojection=3d x_y = reshape_timeseries(Load, x=x, y=y, aggfunc=aggfunc) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') cmap_obj = cm.get_cmap(cmap, bins) X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(len(x_y.columns)), range(len(x_y.index))) surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, x_y, cmap=cmap_obj, rstride=1, cstride=1, shade=False, antialiased=True, lw=0, **pltargs) if colorbar: fig.colorbar(surf) # Set viewpoint. # ax.azim = -130 ax.elev = 45 ax.auto_scale_xyz([0, len(x_y.columns)], [0, len(x_y.index)], [0, x_y.max().max()]) ax.set_xlabel(x) ax.set_ylabel(y)
[docs]def plot_percentiles(Load, x='hour', zz='week', perc_list=[[5, 95], [25, 75], 50], ax=None, color='blue', **kwargs): """Plot predefined percentiles per timestep Arguments: Load: 1D pandas with timed index x (str): x axis aggregator. See :meth:`enlopy.analysis.reshape_timeseries` zz (str): similar to above for y axis perc_list(list): List of percentiles to plot. If it is an integer then it will be plotted as a line. If it is list it has to contain two items and it will be plotted using fill_between() **kwargs: exposes arguments of :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between` Returns: Plot """ if ax is None: # Hack for nice jupyter notebook compatibility ax=plt.gca() a = reshape_timeseries(Load, x=x, y=zz, aggfunc='mean') xx = a.columns.values # TODO: s 2s 3s instead of percentiles for i in perc_list: if len(np.atleast_1d(i)) == 1: perc = a.apply(lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x.values, i), axis=0) ax.plot(xx, perc.values, color='black') elif len(np.atleast_1d(i)) == 2: perc0 = a.apply(lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x.values, i[0]), axis=0) perc1 = a.apply(lambda x: np.nanpercentile(x.values, i[1]), axis=0) ax.fill_between(xx, perc0, perc1, lw=.5, alpha=.3, color=color, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('List items should be scalars or 2-item lists') ax.set_xlim(left=min(xx), right=max(xx)) ax.set_xlabel(x)
[docs]def plot_boxplot(Load, by='day', **pltargs): """Return boxplot plot for each day of the week Arguments: Load (pd.Series): 1D pandas Series with timed index by (str): group results by 'day' or 'hour' **pltargs (dict): Exposes :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` arguments Returns: plot """ Load = clean_convert(Load,force_timed_index=True) if by == 'day': grp = Load.groupby(Load.index.weekday) labels = "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun".split() elif by == 'hour': grp = Load.groupby(Load.index.hour) labels = np.arange(0, 24) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only "day" and "hour" are implemented') a = [] for __, value in grp: a.append(value) plt.boxplot(a, labels=labels, **pltargs)
# TODO : Generalize to return monthly, hourly etc. # TODO Is it really needed? pd.boxplot()
[docs]def plot_LDC(Load, stacked=True, x_norm=True, y_norm=False, cmap='Spectral', color='black', legend=False, zoom_peak=False, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot Load duration curve Arguments: Load (pd.Series): 1D pandas Series with timed index x_norm (bool): Normalize x axis (0,1) y_norm (bool): Normalize y axis (0,1) color (str): color of line. For Series only (1D) cmap (str): Colormap of area. For Dataframes only (2D) legend (bool): Show legend. For Dataframes only (2D) zoom_peak (bool): Show zoomed plot of peak kwargs (dict): exposes arguments of pd.DataFrame.plot.area Returns: Load duration curve plot """ if ax is None: __ = plt.figure(1) ax_main = plt.axes() else: ax_main = ax if Load.ndim >= 2: if stacked: x, y = get_LDC(Load, x_norm=x_norm, y_norm=y_norm) # Reconverting to Dataframe as pd.plot.area is much more robust than plt.stackplot ldc_frame = pd.DataFrame(y, index=x, columns=Load.columns) y_max = np.nanmax(np.nansum(ldc_frame, axis=1)) if y_norm: # We need to renormalize cause the sum of columns is more than 1.0 ldc_frame = ldc_frame/ y_max if (ldc_frame<0).any(axis=None): # TODO: Can we stack negative values? raise ValueError('Cannot plot stacked area with negative values. Try stacked=False instead') ldc_frame.plot.area(cmap=cmap, lw=0, legend=legend, ax=ax_main, **kwargs) else: for __, v in Load.items(): x, y = get_LDC(v, x_norm=x_norm, y_norm=y_norm) ax_main.plot(x, y, color=color, **kwargs) y_max = np.nanmax(y) else: x, y = get_LDC(Load, x_norm=x_norm, y_norm=y_norm) ax_main.plot(x, y, color=color) y_max = np.nanmax(y) # Set axes labels ax_x_min = np.min(x) if x_norm: ax_x_max = 1 xlabel = 'Normalized duration' else: ax_x_max = len(y) xlabel = 'Duration' if y_norm: ax_y_max = 1 ylabel = 'Normalized Power' else: ax_y_max = y_max ylabel = 'Power' ax_main.set_xlim(ax_x_min, ax_x_max) ax_main.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax_main.set_ylim(0, ax_y_max * 1.01) ax_main.set_ylabel(ylabel) # Draw inset plot if zoom_peak: from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes, mark_inset axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax_main, 2.5, loc=1) if y.ndim >= 2: ldc_frame.plot.area(cmap=cmap, lw=0, legend=False, ax=axins, **kwargs) else: axins.plot(x, y, color=color) axins.set_xlim([ax_x_min, 0.15 * ax_x_max]) #TODO: Estimate x axis limits based on plotted values axins.set_ylim([0.8 * ax_y_max, ax_y_max]) axins.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) axins.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) mark_inset(ax_main, axins, loc1=1, loc2=3, fc="none", ec="0.5")
[docs]def plot_rug(df_series, on_off=False, cmap='Greys', fig_title='', fig_width=14, normalized=False): """Create multiaxis rug plot from pandas Dataframe Arguments: df_series (pd.DataFrame): 2D pandas with timed index on_off (bool): if True all points that are above 0 will be plotted as one color. If False all values will be colored based on their value. cmap (str): colormap name (from colorbrewer, matplotlib etc.) fig_title (str): Figure title normalized (bool): if True, all series colormaps will be normalized based on the maximum value of the dataframe Returns: plot """ def format_axis(iax): # Formatting: remove all lines (not so elegant) for spine in ['top','right','left','bottom']: iax.axes.spines[spine].set_visible(False) #iax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) # iax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') iax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') iax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) iax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-.05, -.1) def flag_operation(v): if np.isnan(v) or v == 0: return False else: return True # check if Series or dataframe if isinstance(df_series, pd.DataFrame): rows = len(df_series.columns) elif isinstance(df_series, pd.Series): df_series = df_series.to_frame() rows = 1 else: raise ValueError("Has to be either Series or Dataframe") if len(df_series) < 1: raise ValueError("Has to be non empty Series or Dataframe") max_color = np.nanmax(df_series.values) min_color = np.nanmin(df_series.values) __, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=1, sharex=True, figsize=(fig_width, 0.25 * rows), squeeze=False, frameon=False, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0.15}) for (item, iseries), iax in zip(df_series.iteritems(), axes.ravel()): format_axis(iax) iax.set_ylabel(str(item)[:30], rotation='horizontal', rotation_mode='anchor', horizontalalignment='right', x=-0.01) x = iseries.index if iseries.sum() > 0: # if series is not empty if on_off: i_on_off = iseries.apply(flag_operation).replace(False, np.nan) i_on_off.plot(ax=iax, style='|', lw=.7, cmap=cmap) else: y = np.ones(len(iseries)) #Define (truncated) colormap: if not normalized: # Replace max_color (frame) with series max max_color = np.nanmax(iseries.values) min_color = np.nanmin(iseries.values) # Hack to plot max color when all series are equal if np.isclose(min_color, max_color): min_color = min_color * 0.99 iax.scatter(x, y, marker='|', s=100, c=iseries.values, vmin=min_color, vmax=max_color, cmap=cmap) axes.ravel()[0].set_title(fig_title) axes.ravel()[-1].spines['bottom'].set_visible(True) axes.ravel()[-1].set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x))
def plot_line_holidays(): #ax.vspan if day == holiday #should work only with daily pass def describe_load(Load): """Summary plot that describes the most important features of the passed timeseries """ pass